Links Within My Blog

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Name This Pattern!

Hello!?  What is this strange creature ambling across my deck boards?

Straight from the so-bizarre-it's-cute category, here is the hat I made last week with some leftover scraps.

The puff stitch is a good one to know.  It's so easy, too: if you're crocheting dc's, use tc's for your puff stitch.  Just start making multiple stitches in the same dc from the row below and it'll start puffing out for you.

The basic pattern here is 4dc, 4tc in the next dc, repeated around and around and around.  It's that easy!  I will post a pattern once I find out how it fits the baby I made it for.

The hat is currently on its way to its recipient, along with a larger project.  I'll post the other project once I'm sure the giftees have seen it first.

But for now, this hat needs a clever name.  Any great ideas?  Submit them by leaving a comment below.

I'm sharing this post at several of the link parties featured on the right-hand-side of my blog.