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Monday, May 25, 2015

Rust? What Rust?

Spring is here.  Our backyard and garden went from sweet, green and golden to overgrown and nightmarish in a matter of days.  Getting much done out there on weekdays has proven difficult, so I was grateful for a Saturday at home to get down to business.

After I weeded the garden, and relocated some rogue raspberry plants into the bare spots in our raspberry rows, along came Farmer Dan with the rototiller to tidy up the spaces between the raspberry bushes that we intend to devote to veggies, yet to be determined.

Having Dan at home made it a great opportunity to paint.  There would always be one pair of non-painty hands to tend to the baby.  (No blue finger prints on diapers or bottles, no half-painted projects, abandoned when teething became to troublesome to bear alone.)

A coat of thick, blue Tremclad and it was now you see me, now you don't in reverse.

A good start to a summer of beautification.