Links Within My Blog

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sampler Style Baby Blanket

My nephew Josh was born in November of last year.  Of course, his baby blanket was only about 10cm long when we got the it's-a-boy phone call.  Thankfully, I had until the family baby shower in January to complete this heirloom afghan!

The blanket is crocheted in Bernat Cot'N Corn, a natural yarn blend that has unfortunately been discontinued.  I wanted Josh's blanket to match the blue and green crib quilt that my mom made him for his nursery, so I went for a scrappy/sampler style.  Each stripe is a different favourite stitch, mostly from Robyn Chachula's Crochet Stitches VISUAL Encyclopedia.  (I love this book!  I may have mentioned it once or twice before.)

This stitch is called the Alternating Single Crochet Spike.

This stitch is is from the Ruffles and Dots pattern that I posted about earlier.

This one is known as Single Rib.

Chicken foot!

Here you have the "Middle Bar Half-Double Crochet."

This one....I just can't remember!

This is the crunchy stitch.

And now get yourselves ready for the gratuitous cute nephew shots.

Look at those legs!

Sitting up is hard work.  Too many photos...

...makes Josh tip over.

Ho-hum lounge baby.

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