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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Hat

Last Thursday, after an energy-sucking day, I was able to mellow out on the couch with a bit of creativity and my big tote of worsted weight yarn.  By the end of the night, I had this sweet little hat for my sweet little niece!

That's Maddy on the left, rockin' the Zoolander look.  The lucky girl is also sporting a homemade Valentine's shirt.  You can read all about how to make that on her mommy's blog.

The pattern for the hat is Linda Cyr's "Floral Hat" in the May/June 2011 issue of crochet today!  The only alteration I made was to use a K hook instead of the recommended I hook because I was worried that I might need some extra stretchiness to compensate for the appliqué.  (It's a big applique, so it ended up being a good idea!) The yarn for the hat is Red Heart Soft.

I got the basics for the big heart from Crochet Geek.  Here are the changes I made:

  • Chain 10
  • Row 1: 9sc across
  • Rows 2-9: ch1, 9sc across
  • Use tcs instead of qcs to make the bumps in the heart
  • Finish with a round of sc (I did a few 2sc, sc around the curves of the heart) and a round of picot edging
The small yellow heart is from a pattern I found at Clay and Crochet.  I stitched it onto the big pink heart first and then stitched the big pink heart on to the hat.

The hat itself is a great design.  I'm making a few of them.  I'm sure I'll post them soon enough!

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