Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Thrift Shopping in Tilbury, Ontario

We just got back from a week at a cottage on Lake Erie. It was a nice, relaxing week, with lots of time by the water, and a few jaunts into nearby towns.

My "thrifty splurge:" a 1960s cake/pie cover.  I plan to use it as a yarn cover because our cats love yarn as much as I do. It has just the right amount of wear and tear to make it the perfect piece.  I found this treasure at an antique store for $15.00.


There are no prices like Tilbury thrift shop prices! I got 2 quilting magazines for 25 cents a piece and the paperback novels were 2 for 25 cents. But the best deal was the "Soups of France" cookbook.  It had an $88.00 price tag on it...and it was also 25 cents!  In case your mental math is rusty, that's a grand total of  $1.25 for everything in this photo:

Next door to that thift store, there was another one. (I wish I could remember the names!)  There, Dan found...

...enough Mega Blocks to fill the dishwasher. (Can you think of a better way to clean toys?)  This was $3.

I found this amazing drinking glass with the first 100 years of Prime Ministers on it.  The tag said 75 cents, but the store owner told us it was on sale for 25 cents. (Deal!)

All told, $19.50 for some great finds.

Also, not thrift store related at all, but look!  We have houseplants now. They seem to love our kitchen window.  The cute little pots are from IKEA.

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